Tuesday, July 22, 2008


"Its not up to me, just let me be ... Legally Blonde" the header for the new winner of a role of a lifetime.

On June 2nd, 2008 Mtv aired a new reality show called Legally Blonde The Musical: The Search For Elle Woods. Where 10 hopefulls would be competing for the lead role of Elle Woods on Broadway!!!!! Among the top ten girls was Bailey Hanks, a 20yr female from the small town of Anderson, SC. On Monday nights finale Bailey was named the winner and will be preforming her first show on Broadway as Elle Woods July 23. Good Luck Bailey!!!

When Life hands you lemons

I kno the old saying goes "when life hands you lemons, make lemonade" well i dont like lemonade.
lately it seems as tho all i get is lemons
im still in love with my ex but when i tell him tht i cant be just his booty call he just stops talkin to me all together which sucks. bc now i dont want to go out and look for another guy i want him. but now it seems as tho i wont get him
i think karama is gettin me back times 1million.. in november when i broke up with my ex of 3yrs i broke up with him bc i wanted to live a crazy life style i still loved him but stupid me broke up with him. i wanted to go out partyin all the time and i loved the attention from all the other guys.
well now here it is july and it seems as tho things were goin to work out between me and my ex but i wanted to be more than the late night booty call for him.
he wanted to go out with his friends and now talk to a million different girls but not to me. basically the night be4 we quit talkin he pretty much begged me to still be in his life but then he went out for his birthday and tht was it.
well come to find out end of july im pregnant. not tellin to many people now bc ive had 4miscarriages in my life.
i call to tell him but we wont answer the phone when i text him all i got back was a text he meant to send to someone else and tht was it. finally the other day he text me to see how far along i was tht was it nothing after i text back.
the first time i ever got pregnant was when i was 17 by him i went into premature labor and lost the baby. he wasnt there for me he was out at a club when it all happend. and it seems as tho thts how this is goin to happen hes not goin to be around or have ne thing to do with me
the thing tht bothers me most is if he doesnt want me in his life then say tht but instead he tells me tht he will always love but tht im actin crazy. i guess i am considerin the past. and i say history repeats itself.
i just dont kno what to do

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hii all

So i just thought i would write and say how thankful i am for this rain lol.. in sc we have been in a 2yr drought well the past 2 days it has been raining YAYYYY!!! lol even tho we have also have thunder, lightning, and really hihg wind, we have still had rain and thats whats important!!!!
Rain, Rain, Dont Go Away, Instead Stay Around For Another Day

But i also found out today that i may be a aunt again YAYY by brother may be having a baby with this amazing girl, just dont know for sure if its his or her exs. but we will find out soon!!!!!!

Give me some suggestions of things you want to read about

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some Things That Just ANNOY Me

So i dont know if its just the mood im in today but i have realized tht alot of things annoy the crap out of me.. do any of these annoy you if so please let me know im not alone in this world.
my annoyin lisst:
not putting out cigs all the way
Bitting nails
rude people
people who are backstabbers
assholes who dont use turn signals
assholes that take forever to turn
parents who dont care about their kids but about themselves
parents who put their kids last on their prioriety list
people who keep having kids that the gov basically pays for
people who lie to make themselves look better
shy people
over talkative people
guys who think bc they talk to girl tht shes goin have sex with them
girls who sleep with anyone
older women who dont act their age
men who act their shoe size
old people who havent realize this is not the 1800s and things are different from "back then"
and many more

i dont know maybe i had a bad day or whatever but it seems as though i encountered all of these things that really annoy me in one day
but its almost 3am and im going to bed so

shout out to all the younger parents who will sit at home with their kids, who takes care of their child, and who doesnt party while their child is who knows where..
to all the parents who are gettin help from the goverment, i know not everyone makes $50.00 a hour or whtever just remeber if you have a child, but no job, or your own house, or your own car. and if you cant FULLY finaically support your one child, TAKE BIRTH CONTROL.... theres other who need the help. dont be a baby making machine. AND DONT HAVE AN ABORTION therese plenty of people out there who want to adopt!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ever Wonder

Ever wonder how reality tv shows can make you seem addicted to them. Well i thought about that today Thurday, July 3rd. This week i have watched 4 reality tv shows. Sunday - Design Star on HGTV... Monday - Legally Blonde: The Search For Elle Woods... Tuesday - A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila 2 Wed- Real World.... and for whatever reason i just cant get why i have to watch these shows week after week and if i miss a week then i watch them online (one of the great things about internet).. but i just really cant put my finger on what makes me addicted to these shows. Maybe its the drama, the eliminations, or just the people i really dont know.. but anyways
I was watching the Oprah show on puppy mills and i have to wonder is there gerbil mills, bird mills, i mean i personally will never buy a dog from a pet store ( or a cat) i go to the shelter. But really when it comes to other animals besides a dog or a cat where can you go?? I only thought this really because im going later on today to get a guiena pig mine passed away (tear) but i had her for 5 yrs and thts a good long life for guiena pig..
well im going off the to the pet store now.. toodles..

Travis aka Reno... wht do u really want me to say besides you are awesome who else would have came to Bam (where they didnt work) and rearrange our comic books for us.. tht was great plus i had someone to smoke with when yall came in every night!!! =D

Monday, June 30, 2008

My Intro

Hey everyone,
Im Hannah from South Carolina. Basically I will be blogging about anything that comes to mind, from things that annoy me to things i love, from tv shows and movies to music. want to know my opionion on anything then just ask and i will tell.
Thanks for visiting my blog spot.
you can check out myspace also at myspace.com/lilscrappybabi6t9

And be sure to check out my new post later tonight on mtv's show legally blonde: the search for elle woods!!!! :-D