Sunday, July 6, 2008

Some Things That Just ANNOY Me

So i dont know if its just the mood im in today but i have realized tht alot of things annoy the crap out of me.. do any of these annoy you if so please let me know im not alone in this world.
my annoyin lisst:
not putting out cigs all the way
Bitting nails
rude people
people who are backstabbers
assholes who dont use turn signals
assholes that take forever to turn
parents who dont care about their kids but about themselves
parents who put their kids last on their prioriety list
people who keep having kids that the gov basically pays for
people who lie to make themselves look better
shy people
over talkative people
guys who think bc they talk to girl tht shes goin have sex with them
girls who sleep with anyone
older women who dont act their age
men who act their shoe size
old people who havent realize this is not the 1800s and things are different from "back then"
and many more

i dont know maybe i had a bad day or whatever but it seems as though i encountered all of these things that really annoy me in one day
but its almost 3am and im going to bed so

shout out to all the younger parents who will sit at home with their kids, who takes care of their child, and who doesnt party while their child is who knows where..
to all the parents who are gettin help from the goverment, i know not everyone makes $50.00 a hour or whtever just remeber if you have a child, but no job, or your own house, or your own car. and if you cant FULLY finaically support your one child, TAKE BIRTH CONTROL.... theres other who need the help. dont be a baby making machine. AND DONT HAVE AN ABORTION therese plenty of people out there who want to adopt!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate when people come to an almost complete stop to make a turn. Or how people swing the car to the left when they're making a right turn. Also, when on the interstate people get in the far left (fast lane) and won't get out of my way when I'm behind them.